Trademark & Branding Law
Flat Fees
The firm offers visionary founders the reliability and predictability of flat fees with full transparency and no hidden surprises. Soul Matters - Visionary Law Firm™ is a select company where soul matters®.
Federal Trademark & Branding Law Services
Trademark Creation
Trademark Searches
Trademark Applications & Trademark Registrations
Trademark Analysis
Trademark Clearances
Trademark Monitoring
Trademark Protection
Trademark Maintenance & Trademark Renewals
Trademark License Agreements
Trademark Acquisitions
Trademark Assignments
Trademark & Brand Portfolio Audits
Trademark & Brand Monetization
International Trademarks
The Secure Your Business & Secure Your Brand™ Federal Trademark Registration Package includes the following services*:
Extensive U.S. nationwide trademark search for one (1) trademark to determine if another company has your brand name or something similar (even a similar brand name can prevent your mark from being registered);
Risk analysis assessing the level of risk & likelihood of brand name confusion & likelihood of trademark registration;
Trademark application strategy;
Gather and evaluate specimens and other information required for your Federal trademark application; and
Prepare, draft, and file one (1) U.S. Federal trademark application for one (1) class of goods or services as Attorney of record on your behalf.
The entire trademark registration process can take between six to eighteen months but often takes about a year. Bonus services at no additional charge include:
Unlimited Trademark application monitoring, status updates, and related correspondence throughout the entire application process;
Unlimited Telephone and written responses to address administrative & non-substantive Office Actions from the United States Patent & Trademark Office’s Trademark Examining Attorney which might arise at any time throughout the entire application process;
Up to two (2) scheduled telephone consultations each month as necessary regarding your Federal trademark application for the entire length of the trademark application process;
Your official digital trademark registration certificate from the United States Patent & Trademark Office upon successful completion;
Trademark Maintenance Guide Information.
* package subject to change